Carevix™ is not yet available in your area

We are sorry to inform you that  Carevix™ is only available for direct sales in Switzerland. You may contact us for more information. We are working hard to extend our footprint!


Suction cervical stabilizer to snare, grasp, hold and manipulate cervical tissue.

0,00 0.0 USD 0,00

CHF 39,90

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Terms and Conditions
Free deliveries on orders of CHF 400 and more

 Carevix™ is certified with Climate Contribution. More information here

 We strongly recommend to customers to follow our eLearning modules before a first procedure

Product Description

The carevix™ Suction Cervical Stabilizer is a sterile, disposable, manual device designed for atraumatic snaring, grasping, holding and manipulation of cervical tissue during transcervical procedures. 

It is a single-use, suction cervical stabilizer, engineered with vacuum technology, fully designed as a modern alternative to the Tenaculum without compromising on performance.

Intended Use and Contraindications

Please refer to our IFU for further information. Link to the electronic version is as follow:

Device Characteristics

Size (Device Without Packaging)

Device Dimensions (Assembled)
363mm X 26mm X 34mm
14.3in X 1.0in X 1.3in
Device Weight (Without Packaging)

Packaging (Device With Packaging)

Device Per Sterile Package
1 unit
Components In The Packaging
2 Components
Packaging Dimensions
330mm X 80mm X 30mm
13.0in X 3.1in X 1.2in
Device Weight (With Packaging)

Other Characteristics

Polycarbonate/Polyester alloy, MABS, and thermoplastic elastomer

Climate Contribution

Our product is certified with Climate Contribution 
As part of its environmental strategy, Aspivix has decided to compensate all unavoidable emissions related to the production of carevix™. This strategy has resulted in an independent and verified product certification, validated by international standards. 

How exactly does this work?
1. Calculation of our greenhouse gas emissions
Together with Climate Partner, Aspivix has measured the carbon emissions that occur during the manufacture of carevix™ through raw materials, packaging, logistics and disposal: this is known as the Product Carbon Footprint.

2. Avoidance and reduction
Where possible, Aspivix avoids and reduces CO2 emissions. This can include specific logistic chains, developing products that will reduce existing emissions, or promoting public transportation as a mean for Aspivix' employees to come to the office.  

3. Carbon offset through certified projects
Aspivix offsets all unavoidable CO2 emissions from carevix™ by supporting carbon offset projects. Carbon offset projects save CO2 emissions - for example, through reforestation or the replacement of harmful technologies with climate-friendly alternatives.

4. The label "Climate Contribution"
Our product carevix™ is certified with the  independent label "Climate Contribution" , and consequently enables our customers to understand how the product has become carbon compensated and learn more about the carbon offset projects. This label therefore provides our customers with full transparency regarding the carbon contribution of our product.  

Our carbon offset projects
To compensate for CO2 emissions that cannot be avoided, Aspivix supports recognised carbon offset projects, certified according to international standards. Further information can be found at:


Technical Data Sheet
Patient Brochure
Clinical Brochure  
Quick Guide

Description du produit​

The carevix™ Suction Cervical Stabilizer is a sterile, disposable, manual device designed for atraumatic snaring, grasping, holding and manipulation of cervical tissue during transcervical procedures. 

It is a single-use, suction cervical stabilizer, engineered with vacuum technology, fully designed as a modern alternative to the Tenaculum without compromising on performance.

Utilisation prévue et contre-indications

Please refer to our IFU for further information. Link to the electronic version is as follow:

Caractéristiques du dispositif

Size (Device Without Packaging)

Device Dimensions (Assembled)
363mm X 26mm X 34mm
Device Weight (Without Packaging)

Packaging (Device With Packaging)

Device Per Sterile Package
1 unit
Components In The Packaging
2 Components
Packaging Dimensions
330mm X 80mm X 30mm
Device Weight (With Packaging)

Other Characteristics

Polycarbonate/Polyester alloy, MABS, and thermoplastic elastomer

Contribution Climatique

Our product is certified 100% carbon neutral 
As part of its environmental strategy, Aspivix has decided to compensate all unavoidable emissions related to the production of carevix™. This strategy has resulted in an independent and verified product certification, validated by international standards. 

How exactly does this work?
1. Calculation of our greenhouse gas emissions
Together with Climate Partner, Aspivix has measured the carbon emissions that occur during the manufacture of carevix™ through raw materials, packaging, logistics and disposal: this is known as the Product Carbon Footprint.

2. Avoidance and reduction
Where possible, Aspivix avoids and reduces CO2 emissions. This can include specific logistic chains, developing products that will reduce existing emissions, or promoting public transportation as a mean for Aspivix' employees to come to the office.  

3. Carbon offset through certified projects
Aspivix offsets all unavoidable CO2 emissions from carevix™ by supporting carbon offset projects. As a result of this, carevix™ is certified carbon neutral. Carbon offset projects save CO2 emissions - for example, through reforestation or the replacement of harmful technologies with climate-friendly alternatives.

4. The label "carbon neutral"
Our product carevix™ is certified with the  independent label "carbon neutral" , and consequently enables our customers to understand how the product has become carbon compensated and learn more about the carbon offset projects. This label therefore provides our customers with full transparency regarding the carbon neutrality of our product.  

Our carbon offset projects
To compensate for CO2 emissions that cannot be avoided, Aspivix supports recognised carbon offset projects, certified according to international standards. Further information can be found at:


Technical Data Sheet
Patient Brochure
Clinical Brochure  
Quick Guide


Der CarevixTM Sauggreifer zur Zervixstabilisierung ist ein steriles, manuelles Einweginstrument für das atraumatische Ergreifen mit einer Schlinge sowie zum Fassen, Halten und Manipulieren von Gebärmutterhalsgewebe bei transzervikalen Eingriffen. 

Es ist ein zervikaler Saugstabilisator für den einmaligen Gebrauch, der mit Vakuumtechnologie entwickelt wurde und vollständig als moderne Alternative zum Tenaculum konzipiert ist, ohne Kompromisse bei der Leistung einzugehen.

Verwendungszweck und Kontraindikationen

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Gebrauchsanweisung. Der Link zur elektronischen Version lautet wie folgt:


Größe (Gerät ohne Verpackung)

Geräteabmessungen (montiert)
363mm X 26mm X 34mm
14.3in X 1.0in X 1.3in
Gerätegewicht (ohne Verpackung)

Verpackung (Gerät mit Verpackung)

Gerät pro steriler Verpackung
1 Einheit
Komponenten in der Verpackung
2 Komponenten
330mm X 80mm X 30mm
13.0in X 3.1in X 1.2in
Gerätegewicht (mit Verpackung) 

Andere Eigenschaften

Polycarbonat/Polyester-Legierung, MABS und thermoplastisches Elastomer 


Unser Produkt ist mit Klimabeitrag zertifiziert
Als Teil seiner Umweltstrategie hat Aspivix beschlossen,  alle unvermeidbaren Emissionen im Zusammenhang  rmit der Herstellung von carevix™ zu kompensieren. Diese Strategie hat zu einer unabhängigen und verifizierten Produktzertifizierung geführt, die durch internationale Standards validiert ist.

Wie genau funktioniert das?​
1. Berechnung unserer Treibhausgasemissionen

Zusammen mit ​Climate Partner hat Aspivix die Kohlenstoffemissionen gemessen, die bei der Herstellung von carevix™ durch Rohstoffe, Verpackung, Logistik und Entsorgung entstehen: Dies ist als Product Carbon Footprint bekannt.

2. Vermeidung und Reduzierung
Wo möglich, vermeidet und reduziert Aspivix CO2-Emissionen. Dies kann spezifische Logistikketten, die Entwicklung von Produkten zur Reduzierung bestehender Emissionen oder die Förderung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel als Möglichkeit für die Mitarbeiter von Aspivix umfassen, ins Büro zu kommen.

3. CO2-Ausgleich durch zertifizierte Projekte
Aspivix gleicht alle unvermeidbaren CO2-Emissionen von carevix™ durch die  Unterstützung von Klimaschutzprojekten aus . Klimaschutzprojekte sparen CO2-Emissionen – zum Beispiel durch Wiederaufforstung oder den Ersatz schädlicher Technologien durch klimafreundliche Alternativen.

4. Das Label „klimabeitrag“
Unser Produkt carevix™ ist mit dem unabhängigen Label „klimabeitrag“ zertifiziert und ermöglicht unseren Kunden somit zu verstehen, wie das Produkt klimakompensiert wurde, und mehr über die Klimaschutzprojekte zu erfahren. Dieses Label bietet unseren Kunden somit volle Transparenz über die CO2-Neutralität unseres Produktes.

Unsere Klimaschutzprojekte
Um unvermeidbare CO2-Emissionen zu kompensieren, unterstützt Aspivix anerkannte Klimaschutzprojekte, die nach internationalen Standards zertifiziert sind. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:


Technical Data Sheet
Patient Brochure
Clinical Brochure  
Quick Guide